UNSTABLE APE                            P.O.Box 1099
************                            Carlton
[UAR]                                   VIC 3053


Found   : Tom Evens
Distr.  : AU - Stomp Entertainment
Style   : indie rock / post rock / indietronica / post punk / underground /
          shoegaze / jazz /

Unstable Ape Records was originally founded by Tim Evans (of Sea Scouts, Mouth, Bird
Blobs etc.) in Hobart, Tasmania. Matt Niedra and Tom Egg took over the label for a
while after Evans left Hobart. Finally, Tim Picone (of The Night Terrors) established
the label with a higher profile in the Melbourne suburb of Carlton.

UAR     020     RICAINE                 URBANITY                        CD        .2002

        1       Moore's Law
        2       Only Horses Kick
        3       Nite Kite
        4       The Place Burnt Down
        5       Handbook of Manual Dexterity
        6       Playing Minstrels
        7       Rat Snakes and Scorpions
UAR     021     THE NIGHT TERRORS       THE NIGHT TERRORS               CD      08.2002

        1       Cast Iron Names                                 5:48
        2       A Brain and a Jumper-Lead                       3:30
        3       Shifter                                         5:22
        4       The Anorexcorcist                               3:51
        5       Something Approaches                            4:20
        6       Narcosleepy                                     7:46
UAR     022     ZULYA KAMALOVA          ELUSIVE                         CD        .2002

        1       Elusive                                         0:42
        2       Beyond the Horizon (Ofiq artinda)               3:00
        3       Like a Child (Sabi kebek)                       4:40
        4       Late Again (Songa qalam)                        3:33
        5       Insomnia (Yoqosizliq)                           4:18
        6       The Fog (Toman)                                 3:33
        7       Painted Smiles (Yasalma elmayu)                 3:27
        8       If a Bird Lands on Your Palm (Qulina cipciq
                qunsa)                                          3:44
        9       Snow Is Falling (Qar yawa)                      3:55
        10      Cradle Song (Alli balli                         3:35
        11      The Moon, Mama (Ai, ani)                        3:29
        12      For M.                                          5:23
UAR     023     SANDRO                  CHRISTMAS                       CDEP      .2002

        1       Christmas                                       2:37
        2       I Will Not Go Into the Light With You           4:17
        3       False Hopes                                     3:15
        4       The Island                                      3:42

        1       Tyranny of Distance
        2       Waltz Around C Minor
        3       Prelude in C# Minor
        4       Björn
        5       Parlez-moi d'amour
        6       Prelude From Elegie for Solo Viola
        7       The Truth About Oneself

        1       Super-Optimist
        2       Betrayal
        3       (Get Down With) The Rejection Connection
        4       Avoid All Mirrors
        5       Shat & Bored, Shat & Bored
        6       More of the Same Please
        7       Knitting Bones
        8       Some Other Songs About This
UAR     026     BIRD BLOBS              STIHL LIFE                      CD      04.2003

        1       Stihl Life                                      4:52
        2       Inbred Disco                                    3:56
        3       Let It Out                                      5:02
        4       Withdraw                                        3:51
        5       Bullworker                                      5:09
        6       Yellow Food                                     4:09
        7       Drones Dream                                    4:00
        8       Cruise Control                                  5:08
UAR     027     LOVE OF DIAGRAMS        THE TARGET IS YOU               CD      05.2003

        1       What Are You Waiting For?                       3:21
        2       Building Better Codes                           2:56
        3       New Fury                                        3:29
        4       Raise No Monuments                              3:01
        5       Figure 1                                        3:24
        6       Dude                                            2:51
        7       Tiger Pancakes                                  2:39
        8       Iris-Out                                        5:05
        9       Big Chord Champion                              2:34
        10 S    py-Kit                                          2:48
UAR     028     SIR : TRAPPED IN A WORLD OF MAKE BELIEVE                CD      09.2003

        1       Building Bridges                                4:16
        2       Nature is Against Me                            4:17
        3       Yearling                                        5:25
        4       Gold                                            4:24
        5       Sweet Dreams                                    7:09
        6       Still Breeze                                    6:42
        7       Steel                                           3:37
        8       Red, Red Sky                                    5:49
        9       Blue Room                                       3:21
UAR     029
UAR     030     NO THROUGH BAND         MONKEY ON A ROCK                CD      10.2003

        1       Long Slow Song                                  10:15
        2       How to Make You Cum                             6:27
        3       Everything That's Wrong With Me and More        5:01
        4       Bandaids                                        3:26
        5       Virginity                                       4:31
        6       "It's So Cold"                                  9:57
        7       Class Dismissed (Beautiful World)               5:05
        8       Fevered                                         4:00
        9       Black and White                                 3:47
        10      Don't Cry, Boy                                  8:53
UAR     031     THE NIGHT TERRORS       LIGHTLESS                       CDEP    11.2003

        1       A Brain and a Jumper Lead Remix                 3:42
        1       Batter                                          4:11
        2       Bruiser                                         3:40
        3       Jugular                                         3:31
        4       Teeth Under Your Pillow                         5:38
        5       Canine                                          3:37
        6       Driving With No Lights                          6:34
UAR     032     V / A                   MAKE MIX TAPES NOT WAR!         2CD     03.2004

CD 1    1.1     Laura Jean - In Future Lives                    3:51
        1.2     Gareth Edwards - Parrots                        1:53
        1.3     M. Charles - Down Down                          2:50
        1.4     I Want a Hovercraft - Pistols at Dawn           3:43
        1.5     Because of Ghosts - 7:4:1                       7:20
        1.6     Grand Salvo - Down by River Road                3:19
        1.7     Trunk Music - Mock Me Now                       2:49
        1.8     Zulya - Beyond the Horizon (Oriq Artinda) (Live)3:22
        1.9     Kes - Lookalike                                 1:54
        1.10    Royalchord - Guitars Go Country                 4:53
        1.11    Rohan Hartley Mills - Valhalla                  1:33
        1.12    Seth Rees - Incense                             4:05
        1.13    No Through Road - One More Kiss Before Dying    1:26
        1.14    Emily Ulman - Still (Live on 3RRR)              5:23
        1.15    Zoe Shinnick - This Place                       3:41
        1.16    Manmadelake - The Choral Singing Sea            4:54
        1.17    Andrew McCubbin - Universal One                 4:04
        1.18    Christopher Hale Ensemble - Prelude (to Hwyel)  6:58
        1.19    At Sea - My Collarbone Is Extending             5:07
        1.20    Sir - Genghis Khan (Live on KVRX)               3:22

CD 2    2.1     The Sinking Citizenship - Shake                 5:05
        2.2     Fur - Queer                                     2:20
        2.3     Snap! Crakk! - Neon Lights                      3:52
        2.4     Panel of Judges - Permanent Holiday             3:06
        2.5     The New Season - Make It Easy on Yourself       3:17
        2.6     Love of Diagrams - La Violencia                 2:51
        2.7     The Bites - Eno                                 3:59
        2.8     Sandro - Cut Down the Country (Live)            4:55
        2.9     La Scimmia - On the Cards                       3:53
        2.10    Little Ugly Girls - Baggage (Live)              2:31
        2.11    Bird Blobs - The Straight + Narrow              3:37
        2.12    Keith's Yard - Loopin'                          4:04
        2.13    The Breakdowns - Keep It to Yourself            4:18
        2.14    The Nation Blue - Black Market Sound            4:37
        2.15    Limit of Shunt - Untitled (Live)                2:54
        2.16    Timid Joe - Fandangler                          3:35
        2.17    Legends of Motorsport - RX7                     7:35
        2.18    The Wrong Hands - Black Books                   2:22
        2.19    The Night Terrors - Median                      3:34
        2.20    Baseball - Gods and Stars, Priests and Kings    4:09
        2.21    Thee Stag Knights - On the Take                 1:16
        2.22    ihad Against America - Terrorism Is the New Black (Live on 3CR) 1:17
UAR     033     CHRISTOPHER HALE ENSEMBLE : A WAY TO BE FINE            CD        .2003

        1       Between the Stars
        2       Prelude to Hywel
        3       A Way to Be Fine (Part 1)
        4       By and By
        5       Martina
        6       A Way to Be Fine (Part 2)
        7       Jig
        8       A Way to Be Fine (Part 3)
        9       Quiet Strength and Inevitability
UAR     034     AT SEA                  MALFUNCTIONING TELEPROMPTER     CD      03.2005

        1       Drifting Aimlessly
        2       Essential for Oxygen Production
        3       The Baggage
        4       World Cup 2002
        5       My Vote for a Fascist State
        6       There Was a Long Pause
        7       Your Collarbone Is Extendeing
        8       Smiling All the While
        9       …But Not That Cold
UAR     035     V / A : Wild About You! A Tribute to the Australian     CD        .2004
                Rock Underground 1963-1968

        1       The Drones              Believe in Me
        2       The Mystaken            Rum Drunk
        3       The Pink Stainless Tail : Time Will Come
        4       Lords of Gravity        Black
        5       The Stabs               Lies Lies
        6       Digger & The Pussycats : Just a Little Bit
        7       The Gruntled            Drivin' Me Unsane
        8       Thee Stag Knights       C'mon
        9       The Double Agents       I Want, Need, Love You
        10      Ninetynine              It's a Hard Life
        11      The Naked Eye           Ugly Thing
        12      Shutdown 66             All I Do Is Cry
        13      The Cants               Saturday Date
        14      Ian D. Marks            Wild About You
        15      Go Genre Everything     No
        16      Kamikaze Trio           Claudette Jones
        17      The Lucy Parsons Experience : H'Tuom Tuhs
UAR     036     BIRD BLOBS              BIRD BLOBS                      CD      09.2004

        1       Billy                                           4:34
        2       Head That Talks                                 4:20
        3       Stealing Again                                  3:35
        4       If I Could Kill                                 2:16
        5       Settle Down & Breed                             4:05
        6       Nothin at All                                   3:45
        7       Back on the Beast                               4:01
        8       Straight & Narrow                               3:28
        9       My Last Gold Dollar                             3:36
        10      Drunk at the Mill                               3:44
UAR     037     LOVE OF DIAGRAMS        WE GOT COMMUNICATION            CDEP    10.2004

        1       No Way Out                                      4:05
        2       Waiting                                         3:40
        3       In the Red                                      3:36
        4       In the Red (Mutant Tropicalismo Rework by Qua)  4:11
        5       No Way Out (Dutch Boys Mix by Cut Copy)         4:49
UAR     038     ANDREW McCUBBIN & THE HOPE ADDICTS : STEER              CD        .2004

        1       Belly
        2       Skin & Petals
        3       Wake to Find...
        4       Last Breeze
        5       Is It You?
        6       Fade
        7       We Come in Pieces
        8       Bathed in Light
        9       Letter
        10      Swim
UAR     039     SNAP! CRAKK! : AND THE SEA CLOSED IN OVER US            CD      07.2004

        1       On Power Off                                    3:41
        2       It Makes Me Warm                                1:56
        3       City of Reubans (Paris)                         4:20
        4       Love in Slow Motion                             4:09
        5       Submit to Me Now!                               3:56
        6       Do the Death (Get Dead)                         3:55
        7       Holy Jeepsus                                    3:59
        8       Slash Burn Cut                                  6:20
UAR     040     ZULYA & THE CHILDREN OF THE UNDERGROUND : The Waltz of  CD      11.2004
                Emptiness (And Other Songs on Russian Themes) 

        1       Leaving                                         5:21
        2       The Waltz of Emptiness                          5:45
        3       Does It Matter?                                 5:20
        4       City March                                      4:17
        5       Children of the Underground                     3:15
        6       In the Field                                    5:35
        7       When Love                                       4:11
        8       I Can't Sleep                                   2:14
        9       Green Storm                                     4:53
        10      A Good Reason                                   4:53
        11      I Opened My Heart (And You Moved In)            2:39
        12      The Leap                                        5:05
        13      No(t) Home                                      5:30
        14      Nevechernyay                                    4:16
UAR     041     DIE! DIE! DIE!          DIE! DIE! DIE!                  CDEP      .2005

        1       Ashtray! Ashtray!
        2       Made Up In Red
        3       Auckland Is Burning
        4       Shyness Will Get You Nowhere
        5       Rat
        6       Brat
UAR     042
UAR     043     KES                     THE JELLY IS IN THE POT         CD        .2005

        1       In The Ditch                                    2:55
        2       Treasure                                        2:52
        3       Im Ok                                           2:14
        4       The Jellys In The Pot                           1:28
        5       Hold On To Your Legs                            2:13
        6       Three                                           3:12
        7       What Do You Feed It?                            3:00
        8       My Side Of The Mountain                         3:07
        9       The Ugly Dam                                    0:51
        10      Who Knows                                       3:41
        11      Evil Twins                                      4:29
UAR     044     JEMIMA JEMIMA           REDCOATS                        CD      07.2006

        1       Redcoats, Pt 1
        2       Beak Made Of Glass
        3       Mining A Sea Of Pearls
        4       Stick Trouble
        5       Redcoats
        6       Cabbage Tree Hat
        7       Ghosts
        8       Thistle-Head "Brother"
        9       Father Time
        10      Baby Needs A Nappy
        11      Sharks
        12      The Drongo
        13      Bush-Craft
        14      Potion
        15      Thisstle
        16      Rations
        17      Pocket Full Of Thigh
        18      Why Must I Improve?
        19      Ham Fat, Cat Fat
        20      Quinine
        21      Fluro-Bird
UAR     045 CD  LAURA JEAN              I'M A RABBIT, I'M A FOX         CDEP    11.2005

        1       I'm A Rabbit, I'm A Fox
        2       I Want To Be The Woman
        3       They Used To Be Blue: Memory Song 2
        4       Alone In The Valley
UAR     046     LAURA JEAN              OUR SWAN SONG                   CD      05.2006

        1       The Hunter's Ode                                4:16
        2       The Mid-way                                     4:14
        3       A Good Thing                                    3:54
        4       I Don't Know                                    3:14
        5       The Ferry                                       3:19
        6       I'm a Rabbit, I'm a Fox                         3:53
        7       It's Supposed to Be Summer                      4:07
        8       Paradise Lost                                   4:32
        9       Happiness                                       4:53
        10      Solace                                          4:16
        11      Our Swan Song                                   3:33
UAR     047     MARISSA NADLER          THE SAGA OF MAYFLOWER MAY       CD      03.2007

        1       Under an Old Umbrella                           4:11
        2       The Little Famous Song                          3:12
        3       Mr. John Lee (Velveteen Rose)                   3:32
        4       Damsels in the Dark                             1:35
        5       Lily, Henry, and the Willow Trees               2:43
        6       Yellow Lights                                   2:52
        7       Old Love Haunts Me in the Morning               3:05
        8       My Little Lark                                  2:52
        9       In the Time of Lorry Low                        3:03
        10      Calico                                          3:28
        11      Horses and Their Kin                            4:30
UAR     048     LOVE OF DIAGRAMS        LOVE OF DIAGRAMS                CD      08.2006

        1       Pace or the Patience                            3:12
        2       The Pyramid                                     2:54
        3       Revision                                        4:23
        4       Theme                                           2:33
        5       Cool (Live)                                     3:15
        6       Shadow (Live)                                   3:07

                -WE ARE NONE OF US PRECIOUS

        1       The Bitter Watchese
        2       Scratch Wood Scratch
        3       Swamp Form
        4       Callino Bells
        5       A Year from You
        6       D Flat No. 2 (John & Carmel)
        7       Worrowing Late
        8       Kod ly (Scenes From Sonata For Violoncello Solo)
UAR     051     SIR                     THE BRANDO ROOM                 CD      03.2007

        1       When You Pray                                   5:15
        2       Men Who Lie                                     4:52
        3       Spent Time With a Woman                         5:13
        4       Never Die Alone                                 3:34
        5       The Doll That Cries Real Tears                  4:20
        6       Time Machine                                    6:45
        7       Everybody's Somebody's Fool                     3:29
        8       Bloodsport                                      5:37
        9       I Know                                          1:10
UAR     052     NO THROUGH ROAD         TOO MUCH OR NOT ENOUGH          CD      09.2006

        1       Helicopter #1                                   3:50
        2       My Broken Brother                               3:37
        3       Naked With You                                  2:47
        4       The Light That Somehow Seems for Me             2:32
        5       I Want You                                      4:42
        6       The Last Time I Touch You                       1:04
        7       Die for Something                               3:36
        8       Mr. Potatohead                                  3:04
        9       Sucked in Matt                                  3:08
        10      The Chelsea Theatre                             3:21
        11      Oh Lord                                         1:49
        12      Helicopter #2                                   3:19
UAR     053     NO THROUGH ROAD         TOO MUCH OR NOT ENOUGH          2CD     09.2006

CD 1    1       Helicopter #1                                   3:50
        2       My Broken Brother                               3:37
        3       Naked With You                                  2:47
        4       The Light That Somehow Seems for Me             2:32
        5       I Want You                                      4:42
        6       The Last Time I Touch You                       1:04
        7       Die for Something                               3:36
        8       Mr. Potatohead                                  3:04
        9       Sucked in Matt                                  3:08
        10      The Chelsea Theatre                             3:21
        11      Oh Lord                                         1:49
        12      Helicopter #2                                   3:19
        13      [untitled]                                      0:30
CD 2    14      Crush This Town                                 2:52
        15      The Next Bob Dylan                              1:55
        16      Reason to Fight                                 2:13
        17      Motorways                                       3:27
        18      Girl                                            2:45
        19      Touch You                                       2:55
        20      Maybe You're Right                              2:17
        21      She Is Only in Your Dreams                      2:48
                WORLDS OF ROBOTS

        1       Receiving the Sounds of Science Fiction         1:51
        2       Highway Delights                                4:33
        3       Stop                                            1:16
        4       Repetition                                      4:25
        5       Objects and Fields                              2:18
        6       Thylacine                                       3:32
        7       Monster                                         3:14
        8       Panda                                           1:24
        9       Incandescent                                    4:25
        10      At the Backdoor                                 4:21
        11      Familiar                                        4:51
        12      Steel                                           1:51
UAR     055     ECHO IS YOUR LOVE       HUMANSIZE                       CD        .2006

        1       Consider Yourself No Longer A Part Of The
                Furniture                                       3:09
        2       Buy                                             3:46
        3       30                                              3:49
        4       Peace Song                                      3:21
        5       Three Ropes                                     5:40
        6       No Angels In America                            5:28
        7       Minor Flirt                                     1:15
        8       Step In Step Aside                              5:22
        9       The City And The Dark Age                       4:19
        10      Sharp Things                                    2:44
        11      Stories You Feared                              6:09
UAR     056     ZULYA & THE CHILDREN OF THE UNDERGROUND : 3 NIGHTS      CD      04.2007

        1       How Lovers Fail and Fall
        2       The Wolf and the Moon
        3       Children's Bird Song
        4       White Wind Tango
        5       Nevalyashka
        6       The Night Is Dark
        7       Love Hunter
        8       We Twelve Girls
        9       Hear How She Grows
        10      Forgotten Song
        11      Princess
        12      Clocks
        13      Red Flower
        14      The Night Is Long
UAR     057     SPIDER VOMIT            WIDOW'S WALK                    CDEP    07.2007

        1       Tail Points to Hell
        2       No Way
        3       Problems
        4       Widows Walk
        5       Evil Bloody Long Haired Woman
UAR     058     GUY BLACKMAN            ADULT BABY                      CD      05.2008

        1       Unsteady
        2       Gayle
        3       Dark & Quiet Place
        4       Black Eyes
        5       Act Like You Don't
        6       Johnny
        7       The Same Woman
        8       At Their Age
        9       Stay on the Beat
        10      Mortified
        11      Carlton North
        12      I Still Think of You
        13      World of Bees
        14      Forever (Our Song)
        15      Older
UAR     059     JANE BADLER             THE DEVIL HAS MY DOUBLE         CD      06.2008

        1       When We Got High
        2       Who Did You Wear That Dress For?
        3       I Love Everything
        4       The Devil Has My Double
        5       Everybody Knows My Secrets
        6       I Never Throw Anything Away
        7       Single Tonight
        8       A Dream Only Lasts
        9       Tears Are Made of Water
        10      The Doll That Cries Real Tears
        11      True Love Is a Bore
UAR     060     JESSICA SAYS            WE NEED TO TALK                 CD      03.2009

        1       The Sleeping One Beside Me
        2       I'll Set the Night Upon You
        3       His Mother's Ring
        4       Keep Me Awake
        5       Some Graceful Kind of Silence
        6       Up Amongst the Dark
        7       Apple Cores and Lemon Rind
        8       We Don't Falter
        9       There Comes a Time
        10      Peace and Quiet
UAR     061     VulgarGrad              KING OF CROOKS                  CD      01.2008

        1       Oy Oy Oy                                        3:15
        2       If I Were a Sultan                              3:08
        3       The Party on Horse-shit Street                  2:44
        4       Super Good                                      3:10
        5       Natural Born Thief (Gop-So-Smykom)              3:10
        6       Bolshoi Karetny                                 3:06
        7       Stop the Train!                                 4:19
        8       I'm Your Cowboy                                 3:31
        9       Odessa Jailbreak                                3:17
        10      Junky, Alcoholic and Drunkard (These are Such
                Undignified Words)                              3:47
        11      Black Flag                                      4:01
        12      A Piss-up Begins With a Bottle                  4:10
        13      Zhopa                                           4:49
        14      Cigarette                                       3:22
        15      Tram No. 10                                     4:08
        16      Odessa Jailbreak (Slow)                         5:32
UAR     062     DARREN SYLVESTER        DARREN SYLVESTER                CD        .2009

        1       Newville Avenue
        2       That's A Nice Haircut
        3       Twenty Three
        4       Michael
        5       Cellphone Warehouse
        6       Never Stand Still
        7       My Boyfriend's My Boss
        8       Telephone On The TV
        9       Too Uncool Too
        10      Phil Spector
UAR     063     LOVE OF DIAGRAMS        NOWHERE FOREVER                 CD      08.2009

        1       Static Information
        2       Forever
        3       Lookout
        4       Mountain
        5       A Part of You
        6       Stones Throw
        7       Winding
        8       Magnify
        9       All You Know
        10      On the Breeze
        11      Its Professional
UAR     064     ZULYA                   TALES OF SUBLIMING              CD        .2010

        1       A Tale Of Love And Death
        2       Water Woman And The Orphan Girl / Su Anasi X„m Y„tim Qiz
        3       Baba Yaga's Dream / Son Baby Jagi
        4       Ocean Lullaby
        5       He Fell So Deep
        6       The Storyteller
        7       A Girl Named Free
        8       The Rope-Maker's Daughter
        9       The Mermaid's Tale / Nevlublennyj
        10      Little Sky
        11      The Sublimation Of The Snow-Maiden / Sublimacia Snegurki
        12      The Captive Heart / Žsir Y”r„k

LJ      001     LAURA JEAN              THE HUNTER'S ODE                CDEP      .2003

        1       The Hunter's Ode                                4:31
        2       Where I Begin                                   4:33
        3       The Golden Afternoon                            4:22
        4       In Future Lives                                 3:52
        5       Sweet Jesus                                     4:34
UARR    003     NINETYNINE              180 GRAD                        CD        .2003

        1       Polar Angle                                     4:04
        2       Hemispheres                                     2:18
        3       Transient                                       3:29
        4       Cois Il Hamdu Lilah                             1:34
        5       Imperial                                        1:44
        6       Mesopotamia                                     7:20
        7       Revisionist                                     1:43
        8       Synthetic                                       4:51
        9       New Delhi                                       2:37
        10      Song for Sally                                  2:00
        11      To Come to This                                 3:55
        12      Pompeii                                         3:10
        13      Fielding                                        4:31
        14      Replica                                         3:34
UARR    006     ZULYA                   ALOUKIE                         CD        .2004

        1       Saginou - Yearning                              4:17
        2       Sahralarda - In The Woods                       5:52
        3       Onyta Almyim - I Can't Forget                   4:57
        4       Atikaemneng Oenda - At My Father's              3:29
        5       Tugan Il - Homeland                             4:10
        6       Hairan Bulam - In Amazement                     5:11
        7       Ai Bolubolum - Nightingale                      3:12
        8       Hadicha Abiem - Grandmother Hadicha             2:47
        9       Kubalagem - Butterfly                           1:43
        10      Minem Donyada - In My World                     3:21
        11      Sarman - Sarman River                           3:22
        12      Bishek Iyry - Lullaby                           3:10
        13      Aloukie - Aloukie                               5:15
UARR    007     NINETYNINE              THE PROCESS                     CD        .2002

        1       The Process                                     2:36
        2       The Specialist                                  3:14
        3       A Portrait                                      4:17
        4       Avalanche                                       2:09
        5       The Cleaner                                     2:48
        6       Black Metal Figure                              2:38
        7       The Conference                                  1:18
        8       Kinetic Factory                                 3:54
        9       Great Escapes                                   2:44
        10      Istanbul and the Punishing Heart                2:17
        11      Baluchistan                                     2:43
        12      December                                        3:32
        13      The Waiting                                     2:52
        14      Static Plain                                    2:08